
Friday, June 15, 2012

It's time to move on

Life can change in a hurry. In one month I will be leaving Newark, Ohio and the Columbus area for Rochester, New York.

This all came about very suddenly. It started when my phone rang and I heard a voice I haven't heard in a couple months, my former editor, who had since moved on to the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, also a Gannett paper.

I ask him how he's doing. He gets right to the point. "Good... except... I need a good political reporter."

I've been looking for a new gig. Not seriously, "oh-my-gawd-get-me-outta-here" looking, but keeping my eyes open. My resume was posted and here and there I'd drop a resume. I kept my search to Columbus and Cleveland, with the exception of another job in my company I had no desire to make another out-of-state move.

I'm fortunate to have the job I have now. The hours are good. The people I work for and with are extremely talented. It's a professional atmosphere and there's no workplace drama and bickering like the horror stories I hear from my friends.

But I worked well with my former editor, and the Rochester paper has a great reputation, so I decided to go check it out. Last week, I spent a day at the paper. I was impressed. The Democrat and Chronicle is a very forward-thinking news organization. It immediately struck me as a place that I could fit into and do very well for myself.

The thing that kills me about my current job is the location. I don't want to bash Newark, it has been good to me, but it's not ideal for a single young professional, and the walls have been closing in lately. Through MIT I've made a ton of friends in Columbus, just a 45 minute drive, and became more than accustomed to waking up before 5 a.m. Saturdays for our runs. I looked at moving then commuting in from every angle, but never could justify it.

And that's what, in the end, sold me on Rochester. The city has a very active young professionals community and a lot of character to go with it. I like places with character. There's an active running community, many places to bike and I'm sure no shortage of gyms that have a Spinning program, and I'm sure at least one will need an instructor!!

I start my new job July 16. I've been a little overwhelmed with all the packing and moving I need to do in the next few weeks.

So since this is my training blog, I must address the question: What happens next with my training?

I'll come to MIT this Saturday, won't be there the following week, then I'll be there for two more weeks. I've already let the other coaches know that they'll need to replace me. I'd like to still be able to run the Columbus Marathon, but my top priority has to be getting moved and settled into the new city and job! I'll keep up my training as best I can, hopefully hooking up with a group there. Once the month is over, I'll reassess and decide whether to do one full or several halves. Some of my wonderful running friends have already starting looking at races they can do in wine country with me!

I promise I will leave Team 12:00 in good hands! I've already emailed a couple of suggestions for new coaches :) Even though I've only been a coach for a couple weeks, I love it, and I hope the opportunity to do it will present itself again.

I told the Y I could still teach through the first week of July. After that, I'll be done with Spinning for awhile. My hope is to get back into it in Rochester, but I need to first take a couple months to get a feel for the new job and what kind of schedule I will be working.

There's lots more to write, so there will be many posts to come. All day I've been truly touched by the number of people RSVPing to the going away party some MIT friends are throwing for me. These are people who really have changed my life for the better in the past year, and I'm going to miss them terribly. In my adult life, this is the first time I've ever had good friends, or a life outside of work.

Yet I'm sitting in my huge, two bedroom apartment in small town USA, looking at small studio apartments in the arts district of Rochester, New York, and I won't deny it -- I'm really excited!


  1. I can definitely see the lack of young professionals being a sticking point; that was definitely a sticking point when I was in Maine. I think it'll turn out to be a good decision. Best of luck!

  2. Oh Jessica! I am so happy for you, but I am going to miss your smiling face on Saturday mornings!! And boy have I been out of the loop too. Good for you for getting a new job, though - how exciting!

    Please tell me you will keep up on your blog so we can stay in touch! I feel like I just met you and now you are moving away, but I think it will be for the best, plus, I am always looking for new races to run!! ;)

    I wish you nothing but the best in NY because you deserve it. I don't know if I will be able to make your party given the circumstances, but please know I am thinking about you and wishing you well as you prepare to leave Ohio! :)
