
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Course preview: Musselman bike, and run around Geneva

I explored the Musselman course today, and thanks to getting turned around a couple times I ended up riding 70 miles, followed by a 9 mile run.

I went wrong in two places: I think I started off too far back, and I for the life of me could not find the turn into the state park that was supposed to turn onto East Lake Road. I might have gone too far down 96A, but I'm not sure. I'm exhausted, I'll compare maps tomorrow.

Details of the ride here. 

I was at the 56 mile point at 3:55 -- and that was in less than ideal conditions. On fresh legs and (fingers crossed) with better weather I bet I can get closer to 3:30. I felt tired and fatigued from the start. The trek down 96A was windy and hot. I didn't realize how hot it was until I stopped at a gas station at Mile 20 -- both my water bottles were empty (usually two will carry me through 50 miles!)

I bought two 32 oz bottles of gatorade and a big cup of ice (I hate Gatorade but it tasted good today). Filled up my water bottles and stuck the rest in my back pouch. There was a nice downhill, then the rain came. It was refreshing at first then was annoying. It came and went -- at one point I think it might have been hail, those drops hurt!

I'm starting to get this fueling thing down. Every half hour I alternated between a Honey Stinger and either Almond Thin Crackers or gluten free pretzels. I might do something more calorie dense next time, I made 100 calorie baggies and it felt like too much to eat. But all in all this sustained me.

The course was beautiful, lots of wineries, scenery and even an alpaca farm in between Seneca Lake and Cayuga Lake. I hope to circle both lakes this summer. The random lines show where I got turned around. I'm thankful for course marshals!

EDIT! Now I see where I went wrong, and it wasn't my fault, hurrah! I was on the right track as I was going down 132, but then I hit a dead end because the gate to the park wasn't open. Then I was almost on the right track again when I went into the park but it looked like I was going into a parking lot, I guess not! Better to find these things out now! 

The hills were worse than I expected, but in retrospect not terrible. My heart rate was all over the place, the valleys represent stops where I navigated!

 The other data. I would like to be faster next time.

I did a car transition in 9:39. A little more involved than a race transition, had to get the bike in the car and such!

Then it was run time. I almost didn't do it, was beat after the bike, but I told myself that I could quit after a mile if I wanted (mind tricks). Details of the run here.

I meant to do this Saturday, the original plan was to run with Fleet Feet then swim before this bike, but my stomach was rebelling against me Saturday morning so I stayed in bed, then class, then yoga, then work, then more sleep.

I meant to do the half marathon course, but it was raining and I didn't want to stop and look at the map so I ditched it. Instead I just ran out and back in several directions in Geneva, ending on the path in the state park.

I averaged a 10:48 mile. If I can keep that pace for the half I can do it in 2:20 and I'll be thrilled. I took a gel every three miles. I lost steam toward the end, so maybe I should consider something more substantial during the run.

My heart rate was higher than it should have been, probably because of the heat.

Other details.

Exhausted. Time to fall asleep to the tune of Mad Men.