
Monday, September 16, 2013

Looking ahead: Wine Glass Marathon logistics

Training has had its ups and downs, but my excitement is ramping up for the Wineglass Marathon Oct. 6, 18 days away.

I got my long run in with Tara, a Fleet Feet connection, on Sunday. I'm feeling prepared.

I'm hoping for nice, cool weather and incredible scenery. The race starts at 8 a.m. so I'll probably start with a throwaway then go with whatever the forecast calls for. According to the FAQs the weather traditionally is in the 40s, but it's been so wacky lately.

It's a smaller race, 2,250 in the full, 2,000 in the half. It doesn't look like headphones are banned so I'll come with a fully charged phone so I'll have music.

Tara and I are going to carpool both days, Saturday to get our packets, Sunday to race. We're trying to get a couple others on board as well. It will be an 1 hour 40 minutes Saturday to Corning to get our packets, and 1 hour 20 minutes Sunday to the start line in Bath. The course goes point to point to Corning, where we can catch a shuttle back.

It trends downhill but there are climbs at miles 5, 8, 14 and 20. They look minor.

There are water stations about every two miles and four aid stations along the course. I've been training with Gatorade, which is what's on the course. I'm not sure if I'll bring my pack or not. I've been training with it, and drinking a lot more than every two miles, but I also haven't hydrated well for most of my long runs and I intend to hydrate well for the race.

My plan is to bypass the first two stations. I will try to take a good break every six miles.

I've liked the shirts I've seen from previous years, and you get a wine glass, of course!!

There are pacers. I might go with the 5:00 pacer. Or go on my own. I'll go slow for the first half, then speed up if I feel like it. Or take it slow. We'll see how I feel.

No pressure on this race! Just going to do what feels right.

I just hope the curtain rods can hold the weight of the massive glass metal I'm going to get.

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