
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fighting winter madness. I'm losing.

I'm feeling pretty defeated right now. I'm ok writing that, because I know I'm not alone. 

This winter has been cruel. The bitter cold temperatures have not only made it nearly impossible to be outside, but has made us all cranky and anxious. 

We all know it's going to get better. One day a few weeks ago the weather broke. I ran 7 miles around downtown Albany and it felt amazing. But now running means a choice between the bitter cold, an endless moving belt or a dizzying indoor track.

But when it's so cold outside, getting up and out is a challenge. Being out in the cold takes it out of you, after making it home from work all you really want to do is curl up under a  couple blankets and watch dumb television. 

I'd like to write about how Musselman is in six months but... I just want to bum on my couch instead. 


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