
Thursday, February 20, 2014

The weather is finally warming up... and this is why I'm a little bummed about it

I know I'll get some backlash for this one.

I haven't been quiet about my hatred toward this winter.  Exhibit 1Exhibit 2. It has been dark, depressing, terrible and COLD.

This weekend it'll be a tropical 40 degrees, with nature's free car wash pattering down from the sky just enough to save me $10 and melt some of the snow. Perfect running weather, and I'll be headed to Syracuse to meet Allison and Tara for the Lake Effect Half Marathon Sunday.

So why am I secretly just a little disappointed that it's warming up this weekend?

Because I like having a story to tell.

Less than 6 months from now I'll be cursing life as I run up and down the hills of Geneva in the Musselman half ironman, July 13. I'll recall how I survived last horrible winter as I'm sweating buckets, wearing a tank top and shorts and stopping in front of every kid with a squirt gun or, if I'm lucky, a garden hose.

As I tag back and forth with the other weary runners, starved for any conversation to help us through the miles, what would be the better story?

"Gee this winter was really horrible wasn't it." "Yea, I'd kill for some of that snow right now." "Hey did you do the Lake Effect half marathon?" "Yea, we really lucked out because it warmed up that one weekend. It was a little wet but not bad."


"Gee this winter was really horrible wasn't it." "Yea, I'd kill for some of that snow right now." "Hey did you do the Lake Effect half marathon?" "Yes!! Oh DEAR GAWD! One would think it would get warmer through the morning, how did the temperature drop from -2 to -4." "And yes! There was that freak blizzard that hit around mile 7. I couldn't see anything." "Oh and then those kids threw snowballs at us." "Dude, a polar bear chased me for like a mile, fortunately he got distracted by a penguin." "Remember how everyone's eyebrows were white and frozen?" "I totally PR'd because I wanted to be done."

OR just the basic reaction from non-runner folk.

"What did you do this weekend?" "I ran a half-marathon." "****puzzled, quizzical look**** ****sly grin**** "You're bats#$t crazy."

I always say I run for me. I do it because I enjoy it. I do it because it changed my life. I do it for that great feeling of accomplishment.

But I must confess, sometimes I also do it for the stories.


  1. LOL, this is so true! I took a strange pride in seeing Erie, PA at the top of the snowfall totals all year just so I could tell people "yep, and we go to work and run outside in it anyway...we're a tough bunch." Maybe you will get lucky and the weather forecasters will be dead wrong as usual.

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