From left to right, oldest to newest:
Asics Kayanos: About 350 miles logged on these! They took me through my first 10K and last fall's trail runs. I'm keeping them as trail shoes.
Blue Mizuno Precisions: 359 miles logged on them. I've read that I should be able to get more life out of them, but every time I run in them my legs hurt, so I've downgraded them to walking shoes. These took me through most of my marathon training, and the 15-miler in Granville!
Orange Mizuno Prescisions #1: I used these for the 22 miler and my marathon, and the last few weeks of training. 135 miles logged on them so far. Still in use.
Orange Mizuno Precisions #2: Noticing a theme? Hey, when you find something that works, right? Plus they're relatively cheap as running shoes go! Brand new. Didn't quite need them yet but Fleet Feet was having a sale! I think I'll break them in and then start using them right away for long runs only, and use the first ones for weekly training runs. I'll get more life out of both that way! I'll have to get different laces to tell the difference, the new ones won't stay that nice pristine shade of white for long!
In front are the Zoots. I used them for the shortest training runs, just to give the Precisions a break from time to time, and to start getting used to a lighter shoe! 30 miles logged on them.
Love the shoes! :)