It's not the overload of seaside shanties selling lobster and crabs, even in November.
It's not the people, who are always beyond friendly and willing to help you at every turn. (I was at the Gap and my LL Bean bag broke, five people rushed to help.)
It's not the ocean.
It's not the tough nature of people here, who will look at 3 feet of snow and walk outside like it's 60 degrees out and sunny. (Seriously, Ohioans, it's only cold white fluffy stuff, toughen up already).
It's not the scenic, long, 2 lane curvy roads. (Unless you get stuck behind someone from Jersey).
It's not the Kennebec River Rail Trail. The hills will kick your butt and leave you grinning at the end.
It's not Sen. Olympia Snowe, who remembered my name after meeting me only once. "Jessica, that girl in Norway who asked all those really good questions."
It's not the high cost of heating oil (In this case I'm not kidding, it's absolutely not.)
Well yea, it's all of those things except the latter. But above everything else, above the exaggerated "As" and the absence of "R"s, unless of course they're called for, "I have an idea'r", it's the LL Bean outlet store.
How I miss thee.
I went down to Freeport today for some good old bargain hunting. And I made out like a bandit.
What does all this have to do with running, you ask?
Let's start with non-cotton fleece pullover, $20, bright yellow for running at night: